Teach Yourself Hausa. Teach Yourself Hausa.
13/02/2025   21:39:01    


Table Of Contents

Hausa Alphabet learn all the alphabet Counting of Numbers Hausa numbers counting Different Type Of Greetings Ways to greet in hausa Asking about Members of the Family About family members Reception How is the party? Farewell Good bye Making Inquiry And Request with why? what? which? who? where? how? In The Dining funiture room dining table Different Nouns: To animals, farm, body, house, school & relations. Pronouns Personal and Possessive personal pronouns & possessive! Days Months Years Months of the year, years, Days of the week Hausa Verbs Nothing but verb Telling Of Time what time is it? Simple Sentences and Market Situation market conversations Hausa Proverbs and Sayings Proverbs Fassara - Translation In Hausa has translations. Hausa Food Abincin hausawa means food in hausa. Restaurant Situation (Katin)(Gurin abincin)(Gurin sarda abincin) Restaurant in hausa. Garuruwa Hausa Bakwai - Seven Legitimate Hausa States The main seven legitimate hausa states. Banza Bakwai - Seven illegitimate Hausa States The main seven illegitimate hausa states. Translation of Words - Fasssarar Kalmomi Translation of words in hausa. Hausa Vowels & Consonnants (Bakake da Wasullan Hausa) Vowels and Consonnants in hausa. Names of Animals in Hausa (Suanyen dabbobi) hausa animal names Name of Places in Hausa (Suanyen wurare) hausa place names Names of Things in Hausa (Suanyen abubuwa) hausa things name The Hausa Language dictionary translation. Hausa Language Phrases Teach Yourself Russian About teach yourself series Teach Yourself Guitar Teach yourself to play guitar Yourself Online Learning online Teach Yourself Spanish Learning spanish Teach Yourself Math Learning mathematics Teach Yourself Piano Learn toplay piano About BBC Hausa (www bbc hausa com) hausa bbc.com VOA Hausa (www voa hausa com) rfi hausa sashin dw radio Hausa Music or Hausa Songs nigerian musicians singing Hausa Films jinin jikina magazine Hausa Movies watch hausa movies Radio Nigeria Hausa hausa radio www.BBC Hausa Yadda muke gabatar da shirye-shiryen Sashen Hausa na BBC Not all photos from bbc hausa this will touch your heart if you're a humam being Rariya hausa the making of rariya labarai|labaran Aljazeera Hausa Labarai/Labaran duniya al jazeera Auren Biya Marriage payments - credit or debit cards DW Hausa Deutsche Welle RFI Hausa Radio France International Hausa Location in Nigeria nigeria hausa igbo yoruba Hausa Pronunciation Pronounce hausa Contact Us what do you think? Useful Links other sites Link to Us please help us! Contactless Payment Cards Paying with contactless card Things to do in London TfL transport for london AI Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Future of ai Top Christmas Toys Boys and girls must-have top christmas gifts ideas. Enounce MySpeed Review Speed Up Video to Save Time - Slow down video to learn THE BIGGEST Digital Product Reviews The Good Review, Who is she?

Last Updated

Last Updated: Friday 19th June 2020 @ 10:05 am

The VOA Hausa (www.voa hausa.com)
Muryar Amurka (Voice of America)
Hausa Service Radio News

The voice of america (VOA) Hausa or VOA Hausa (www.voa hausa com) muryar amurka service news hausa radio is a website of International news across all subjects.

Every day VOA's Africa division broadcast for you international and regional news in English and eleven other languages, which includes hausa language.

VOA has correspondents in Abidjan, Cairo, Johannesburg, Nigeria hausa news and Nairobi, as well as a network of over one hundred journalism throughout the continent.

It has a clear signals and very easy to access when compare to BBC Hausa. It broadcasts on AM (Attitude Modulation).

Voa Hausa News

The voa hausa news or Voice of America (VOA) Hausa Service broadcasts for two hours per day on Short Wave at the following local hausa news times:

06.00 - 06.30

08.00 - 08.30

16.00 - 16.30

21.30 - 22.00

For voa hausa service, check your local listings for times or look on VOA News website www.VOANews.com/TVToAfrica for stations in your area.

  • DAILY - Africa News Now - Top news stories from Africa and around the world

  • MONDAY-FRIDAY - Daybreak Africa - Get your day off to a fresh start with the Daybreak team as they present news, interviews, sports and live weather forecasts.

  • FOCUS - Commentators provide thought provoking analysis to clarify complex issues in the news as well as historical and cultural topics.

  • Africa World Tonight - Kim Lewis hosts this evening program bringing you the latest news, sports and music developments in Africa, the United States (US) and around the world.

  • Opinion Roundup - U.S. and world media opinion, expert discussion and VOA listener letters.

  • Talk to America - An international call-in program broadcast live on radio and the Internet. Host Doug Bernard engages the world wide audience in a daily dialogue with a variety of American decision-makers, personalities and experts on far ranging subjects. Call collect to join the discussion - 1-202-619-3111.

  • Talk to America Africa-New! - Host Doug Bernard and the Africa Division's Shaka Ssali or Vincent Makori, as well as other Africa Division personalities, discuss African and world issues with international callers in a recorded version of the weekday program.

  • World of Music - Join Rita Rochelle for the world's best music and guest interviews, including artists from the African Diaspora.

  • Music Mix - Enjoy a variety of American and international music, as well as up-to-date music industry news and live performances. See program clock for specific kinds of music on each day.

  • MONDAY ~ New American Voices - Hear the stories of immigrants living and making new lives in the United States.

  • TUESDAY ~ Global College Forum-New! - Each week, host Marsha James speaks with students from around the world who are studying in the United States.

    Housecall Chinedu Offor hosts this live call-in health program that puts listeners directly in touch with medical professionals.

  • WEDNESDAY ~ Wordmaster - VOA's Avi Arditti brings you the fascinating stories of words and phrases found in today's English language.

    Straight Talk Africa - This call-in program examines topics of special interest to Africans, including politics, health, social issues and conflict resolution. Shaka Ssali hosts this program, which is broadcast on radio, television and the web.

  • THURSDAY ~ International Press Club-New! - Judith Latham talks with editors of English-language newspapers around the world as they discuss major topics of global importance.

  • FRIDAY ~ Sonny Side of Sports-New! - VOA's Sonny Young opens the phone lines for his listeners to call in with questions and comments on the African sports scene and an occasional interview with African sports stars. Call collect 1-202-619-2077.

    Hollywood Highlights-New! - Alan Silverman brings you a weekly look at the American movie industry from Hollywood.

  • SATURDAY & SUNDAY ~ Point of View - This weekend program looks at an important issue of the day, from both sides, with Marsha James and Yeheyes Wuhib.


Its true that you can get your voa hausa news via your smart mobile phone or hausa.voa.mobi/ hausa.voa mobile or hausa.voa mobi/ voa hausa.com/mobile/ voa hausa mobile websites. VOA news are from the American angle and does give a US propaganda, only partially objective.

Voice of America VOA which broadcast or airs its news at 6 am. VOA tell you this is an editorial hausa news, they'll tell you this is their opinion so that you don't have a problem.

Voa news hausa or VOA programmes are also relayed on FM in Niamey, Maradi and Zinder through partnerships with Radio Tenere, Radio Anfani and Radio Sarraounia.

Much of the Hausa service programme content is produced at studios at Abuja and Kano in Nigeria. The VOA Hausa Service has been broadcasting continuously since 1979.

VOA Hausa.com

The aim of VOA Hausa.com (www.voa.hausa.com) staff/ mp3/ live/ mobile/ facebook/ labarai/ shrin dare/ listen online/ audio is to encourage unity amongst hausa speaking people via its website voa hausa.com news radio service.

The voa hausa labarai or hausa voa first went on the air in 1942, is an international multimedia broadcasting service funded by the United States of American government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

Voice of America hausa (or voa hausa online) broadcasts to approximately 1500 hours of news, information, educational and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of 125 million people.

There is a new expanded programming voa hausa radio includes five hours of morning broadcasting and six hours of evening broadcasting which can be heard throughout Africa on shortwave frequencies 15240 and 13710 kHz, and on 24/7

FM stations in Sierra Leone (102.4 FM), Kenya (107.5 FM) and Ghana.

For more information, please visit voanews website at: www.VOANews.com/EnglishtoAfrica

Voahausa or Voa Hausa Radio

Voahausa (voa hausa radio) - Listening to Voice of America was more widespread.

Hausa VOA listeners are generally seemed to accept that the broadcast was the point of view of America and that it helped them to build an all round understanding of issues. It's like voa are trying to sell America.

Don karin bayani, ku duba shafinmu ahanyar "Duniyar Gizo" ta komputa awannan adereshi:
www.VOAHausa.com kokuma www.sashenhausa.com. For more information, find voahausa on the web at www.VOAhausa.com and www.sashenhausa.com
    • Noma Tushen Arziki 0500 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
    • Ilmi Garkuwar Dan Adam 1500 UTC

    • Gani Ya Kori Ji 0500 UTC
    • Kimiyya da Fasaha 1500 UTC

    • Sharhin Jaridun Amurka 0500 UTC
    • Mu Kewaya Duniya 1500 UTC

    • Domin Iyali 0500 UTC

  • JUMU'A
    • Lafiya Uwar Jiki 0500 UTC
    • Addini A Amurka 1500 UTC
    • Sai Bango Ya Tsage 2030 UTC

    • A Bari Ya Huce 0500 UTC
    • Labaran Wassanni 1500 UTC
    • Karamin Sani Kukumi Ne 1800 UTC

    • Amsoshin Tambayoyinku 0500 UTC
    • Ra'ayoyin Masu Sauraro 0500 UTC
    • Hira da Baki 1500 UTC
    • Sakonmu Na Mako 1500 UTC

VOA Hausa Service: Monday-Friday at 0500-0530, 1500-1530 and 2030-2100 UTC, on Saturday at 0500-0530, 1500-1530 and 1800-1830 UTC and Sunday at 0500-0530 and 1500-1530 UTC.

These half-hour news, information and entertainment programs include the following features:-
  • Monday: Agriculture 0500 UTC, Education 1500 UTC;
  • Tuesday: Immigrant Voices 0500 UTC, Science and Technology 1500 UTC;
  • Wednesday: U.S Editorial Digest 0500 UTC, Close-up 1500 UTC;
  • Thursday: For the Family 0500 UTC;
  • Friday: Health Magazine 0500 UTC, Religion in the U.S. 1500 UTC, Democracy Call-in Program 2030 UTC;
  • Saturday: Music Express 0500 UTC, Sports 1500 UTC, Youth Forum 1800 UTC; Sunday: Listeners' Questions and Listeners' Forum 0500 UTC, Guest of the Week and Message from Washington 1500 UTC


The Voahausa.com Muryar Amurka is the Jaddawalin Shirye-shirye. You can easily listen to daily VOAHausa broadcasts Shirin Hantsi/ Shirin Safe/ Shirin Dare/ Shirin Rana to keep in touch with what's happening in the world in Hausa people and hausa language.

The Voahausa service is one of the most reliable source of current Hausa news service. Below is the voa hausa service staff photos .

Here are the voa hausa staff pictures photos

voahausa staff pictures photos

VOA Hausa staff:
Above from right; Halima Djimrao-Kane, Salihu Garba, Ibrahim Alfa Ahmed,
Maryam Dauda and Bello Habeeb Galadanchi.

Middle from right: Aliyu Mustapha Sokoto, Leo Keyen and Sahabo Imam Aliyu.

Below from right: Jummai Ali Maiduguri, Ibrahim Ka'almasih Garba, Julie Gresham, Kabiru Fagge and Grace Abdu Alheri.

You can contact VOA HAusa Office at:

Phone: +1 202 203 4077,
Email: sashen-hausa@voanews.com,

Postal Address:

VOA Hausa, African Division
330, Independendence Avenue SW
Washington DC, 20237
United States of America